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작성일 : 16-07-20 13:00
[주니어] [H-2반 여름특강 3차] 홍현기
 글쓴이 : 홍현기 (59.♡.34.42)
조회 : 985   추천 : 0  
Topic: Parents should encourage their children to take a part-time job.

Intro: I strongly believe that parents should encourage their children to take a part-time job.
TS I: First of all, by taking a part-time job, the children can prepare to become an adult and learn how to survive in modern society by actually experiencing in it.
ES I: There will be many kinds of people that they will meet from their part-time job, and they will understand how they should deal with the people, which means developing their communication skills.
AE I: When I was in high school, I took a part-time job in my uncle's restaurant, and I learned how to deal with drunken men in the best way.
SS I: This example clearly shows that learning life skills in part-time job is important.

글자수: 321


Total 487
번호 제   목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
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